The film's development began in early May. It was officially announced in October 2014 as Marvel Studios' first female-led superhero movie. Nicole Perlman and Meg Lefauv were hired as the recording team after submitting the character separately the following April. The story is borrowed from Roy Thomas' seventeen "Cry-Skrull War" comic book story material. Larson was announced as the Danvers at San Diego Comic-Con on April 27, with Bowden and Flake hired to run on April 29, 2017. Robertson-Duarte soon assumed the role of scripting, adding the rest of the acting to the beginning of the screenplay. Location shootings began with original photography in early March in California before ending in Louisiana in July 2018. Jackson and Greg — who, among others, reproduced their roles from previous MCU films — were digitally de-aged in subsequent productions to reflect the film's 1990 setting.
Captain Marvel premiered in London on February 27, 2019, and was released in the US on March 26, 2019 on IMAX and 3D. The film grossed more than $ 1.8 billion worldwide, making it the first female-led superhero movie to cross the billion-dollar mark. It is currently the third highest grossing movie of the year 2002 and has become the ninth highest grossing superhero movie of all time, as well as the 22nd highest grossing film overall. The film received a lot of praise from Larson, especially for the actors acting. A sequel is in development.
In 1995, Starforce member Versace suffered from amnesia in the capital city of the Cree Empire and recurring nightmares with an aging woman. Yon-Rog, his mentor and commander, trained him to control his skills while Supreme Intelligence, the artificial intelligence that rules Kree, urges him to maintain his passion.
During a mission to rescue an undercover operative of scrolls, Cree captured the scroll commander Talos, along with the warring alien shapeshifters. An exploration of Versus's memories takes them to the world. Escaped Versailles and crashed in Los Angeles. His presence attracted S.H.I.E.L.D agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, whose investigations prevented a scroll attack. In the ensuing chase, Versus retrieves a crystal containing his recovered memories when Fury kills a scroll knuckle Coulson. In the disguise of Fury's boss Keller, Talos orders Fury to work with Versace and keep tabs on him.[source by wiki]